Monday, October 5, 2009

Crazytalk Pt. 2

Continued from previous post. :)

So, mom just randomly woke up (no, really, I wasn't being noisy, or even having trouble not laughing out loud), and saw that I was still up, and of course, she said I really need to go to sleep. Ok, so I already knew that, and I tried, a while ago, but yeah. I really do need to sleep.

I have to get up in an hour and a half (I've been telling you how long until I have to get up, but not actually telling you when I have to get up. I have to get up at 7:45. Or at least, that's when I set the alarm for. Because I have to be there at 9, and it takes about half an hour to get there, and I want about 45 minutes to get ready, because I have a lot of things tomorrow (ok, in this case just the two, but clinic is time consuming), um, excuse me, today. Yeah. But I CAN sleep (potentially) at clinic, there's a fully reclining chair in every room, and I have a long transfusion (it can take up to 3 hours per unit, and I've got 2 units, so if I try I might be able to get 6 hours in right there (yeah, cancer is definitely a big time-sucker, it sucks time in quantity, but yeah... Anyway, it's kind of hard to sleep at clinic, but I bet if I've had none until then, I'll sleep. And then after that, whenever that is ('cause we never know), I have flute choir at 5, but I really hope I can go, and that clinic doesn't last THAT long (though I think they close at 5, so that would be fine.)

"I'm really worried about getting sick."

Mom "You are."

Yeah, ok, thanks mom. I know.

'Cause she just got up, and I warned her, BEFORE she looked at the time (it's about 6:30 AM now), that it was later than she thought (she thought it was about 4). And we talked (whispered, rather, I don't know the sleeping status of the others in the house, I'd imagine they'll all be getting up soon) for a little while, and now mom says she completely understands, she's had it happen too. So she's still sitting next to me, but she can't see the screen, I guess because of eyesight and my low-brightness setting, so she'll have to wait to read all this!

AAAAAAAHHHHH backrub, THANK YOUUUUU! I've been sitting here in the SAME position for yeah... Only 6 and a half hours. Oh, minus the twenty minutes that I lay down for... NO, 5 and a half hours, yeah, ok. Sorry. ONLY 5 and a half hours! Wow!

Anyway, love you mom, thanks!

She's gone back to bed.

So yeah, now that I've got her approval (at least, right now, or, hey maybe she already disapproves again... Guess I'll find out later.).

Whoops. Sounds like someone's up. I hear footsteps, and a door squeak. Ok, that's REALLY made it official that I've stayed up all night. Oh, and wouldn't you know, the blinds have this slight glow behind them. What could THAT be?

They might hear me in here typing, and think, "Oh, they're up early too! Ok." Noooope, wrong. One of us hasn't gone to bed yet, actually... Guess I'll have to explain that one too.

But at least I'm writing about it, can't say I'm being all stealthy and secretive. =D

I just opened the blinds. Sorry mom, I know you tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't resist. It's a lot lighter than I'd thought, I guess these blinds are pretty light-blocking, for white, kind of papery ones...

There's a sunrise out there. A nice one, with some clouds, kind of light yellow on the horizon. Ohhh wow, yeah, I've always loved sunrises, but I hardly ever see them. Since usually I'm asleep at this time of day. In fact, for most of the sunrises I've seen it's been after staying up all night. Yeah, this isn't my first time or anything. I don't have an exact number for you, but there is definitely a handful of times, maybe two handfuls, I don't know.

Anyway, I don't see the sun yet, but it's getting brighter and brighter... It's not a great view out this window, or at least, not from my angle. I moved closer, trying to see more of it, but there's a little table in front of the window, and it's kind of hard to get around it to see more around the edges.

And now I'm typing all through it (though I am, of course, glancing up often. But no, I'm going to take a break, which I'm sure won't hurt me, and look closer, because this is rare!

Well, I managed to get it so that I'm sitting near the corner of the bed, with my legs in between the bed and the table, and I'm right next to the window, and I've got a good view of the sunrise. Perfect! I was going to just watch, but I couldn't resist commentary.

Of course I couldn't resist commentary, am I really going to watch the sun rise and not have anything to say about it? Anything useful, maybe not, but definitely something. Ok, I think sunrises are pretty meaningful, and so maybe something useful will come from talking about them. And anyway, define useful. There are all sorts of ways of defining that word. Or so I think. But right now I'm going to talk about sunrises, not defining useful.

Of course it's gotten a good deal lighter while I typed that little sidetrack.

But THANKFULLY I've been typing for a very long time (not just today, but ever since I can remember, I was always into it, I thought it was a game when I was little to learn to type and be able to type words without looking, and such. So I can touch-type fairly confidently. Anyway, the sky is more overcast than I realized at first, except I think the reason I didn't realize is that way over there in brightandshiny-land where the sun is rising, it's actually clear, and the clouds just start closer home. Good old Rochester, our eternally cloudy skies... Not eternally, just very often.

Anyway, those clouds that start closer, but still a ways away are just getting brighter and brighter. They're a lot more orange now than they were before (again, wow, deep thinking! Sorry, can't resist giving myself a hard time there). I'm commentating! Yes, I am, Nadine, good catch!

Now ALL the clouds are some shade of orange, or pink-ish, though still grey on top, I can see the depth of the ones further away, it's neat. Just their bottoms are orange and bright.

Still can't see the sun, but it's just brighter and brighter!

(6:53 AM) Oooh, timestamps now, there's an Idea (I accidentally capitalized it again!!! I think it's something about that word that just wants capitalization. Wow. Idea has been such a big word for me lately anyway, because of all the ones I'm getting, and that's pretty cool how I capitalize it without thinking.

Of course, a lot of this is without thinking, but really it's also REALLY with a lot of thinking, all I've been doing is thinking. So I still call it without thinking (but that capitalization is without thinking, so it seems).

Ok, sorry, you're sitting there wondering about the sunrise, and I'm talking about THINKING? Are you kidding? I mean, am I kidding? Ok, no.

The sunrise. Right.

Brighter! Wow, wouldn't have guessed...

(6:56 AM)

Ohhh, I just love this.

It's hard to look right at the brightest clouds now, the sun's about to show it's beautiful, wonderful, amazing face, and it's just suspense all over the place as it... hasn't come yet. Hasn't come yet. But I can't look too well, so maybe it has, though for some reason, I just don't think it's quite come yet.

(6:58 AM)

Great, it's me right here in semi-live timing (I mean, it's NOT exactly accurate, because the clock doesn't have a second hand, but I think that would be going too far anyway, and I'd waste time with seconds and stuff when I could be watching the sun rise!

*Watches sun rise*

Hasn't come yet, I can tell, but those brightest clouds are pretty bright. OoooooooHHHHHH, I SEE THE SUN, a big globe, but I can't see the whole big globe (I know it's there, behind that tree, though!)

Bigger! And brighter too, ouch. Ok, I'd better not look too close again, it's not as gentle as it was before, and my eyes are pretty sensitive. But I know it's there, and I can feel the light get brighter and brighter.

So I was thinking, what if the sun just went and turned around right now, and started going back down. Maybe it had a bad night, and wanted more sleep. "Nope, you know what, I didn't sleep very well, I'm just gonna, y'know, go back and grab a few more zzz's, k?"

Yeah, so since I'm practically sitting in the window, and things (I don't know what things, I just put it there because.... I don't know, I think it's become a bit of a habit, using those words "and things" or "and stuff". I dunno, maybe I should try to break the habit. We'll see.), I could see George go out and get the newspaper at the end of the driveway that I noticed was there (noticed a little while ago, actually, typed a little side note with all the other little side notes I've been typing, in a list, further down this post, which has grown a lot, now that I really look at it. Oh, both the list and the post, I hadn't specified. Well, my sentences haven't been entirely grammatically correct throughout, but I stopped stopping to fix them a while back. Don't know how bad it is, haven't checked. I'm trying to do it as I go, but of course, I always miss things.

And imagine my shock, when I went to save a draft, and discovered that for who knows how long I've been typing in the TextEdit window instead of the Facebook window. Oh, well, I guess it's understandable, because, I guess since I've been copying from Facebook into the TextEdit (don't ask why, I could be doing it in the program first and THEN putting it on Facebook (oh, well, no, I like to see the red one if it pops up, ok, that's fine). Got lost in the sentence again, hang on. Ah well, I'll just start here... Since I've been copying into TextEdit, I guess it took the font along with the words, and the little red line still pops up and everything! (Haha, with "Facebook" there, three times in the paragraph (four now). Great, so I get to see how many times I've said "Facebook" in the last paragraph (five now). That really gives us confidence about life outside of the computer. Unless it's only me, in which case we'll say that I may or may not be off my rocker anyway, so it's not an issue. (See, this stuff makes perfect sense to me! Maybe it's just me. I won't really know, unless somebody tells me, or I witness it in someone else. =D

One thing for sure, though, I like just going "control+s" for saving. I don't know if that works in Facebook (though sometimes I try "control+z" for undoing, and it works! Heh, I call it control, even though I'm using a mac, and have been for a while now, or so it seems. I like them a lot. I still use a PC sometimes too, that's all that we used to have, but one computer too many broke (though they were older, and cobbled together sometimes because we like to do that, and they were definitely interesting, possibly more interesting, to have, and I enjoyed it some too).

So I like this, I can type in TextEdit with Facebook's font (because I'm REALLY used to it after all this typing, and I like it, and yeah...) but I can still see the red one that pops up and see that SYLVIA'S UP, and now I can talk HER ear off TOOOOOOO! *Supper happy excited and grinning*

"But really, how have you been!


I mean."

Yeah, this chat will be interesting. And looook, my font changed, because I copied and pasted from iChat! I don't know if you can really see it, but I can (and I tried to type a capital "I" for emphasis, but obviously that isn't going to work... I guess

"deen-girl, you REALLY need some sleep... you're INSANELY HYPER!!!"

Sylvia, thanks, yeah, I was trying to explain that part. <3

deen-girl, you REALLY need some sleep... you're INSANELY HYPER!!!

Ohh, oops, I meant to get another quote, but I guess I forgot to copy it first... So you get to see it again!!!


"so, yeah, I want you to go to bed EARLY tonight (and not the kind where you stay up past midnight), and then SLEEP IN!!!"

YAYYY! I guess I kind of do need people to tell me to go to sleep.

But at least I don't need people (yet) to tell me to get ready to go, because I just noticed that it's 7:45 AM, and that's when my alarm was going to go off. I say "was going" because mom's now talking on the phone that I had set the alarm on, so I guess it wasn't going to go off, and didn't. Or maybe it'll go off in the middle of her conversation, and they'll be there on their (ohh, I'm proud of my "there" "their" "they're" skillz) phones listening to my ringtone choice of extra jazzed up "When the Saints Go Marching In". I set it to that because it was the most obnoxious sounding ring on the phone, and I figure that'll get me to get up and turn the thing off. =D

And now I'm actually in danger of not getting ready to go, because I'm still sitting here typing like I have been since 1AM. Yeah... 6 hours yeah! More than, actually, 'cause it's 7:49 now, and I have to goooo (goo? I have to goo... Ok.) in less than 45 minutes. Ok. Bye!

But ohhh, I'm not done. Well, I'll just have to bring the laptop to clinic. There's even wireless there... But then I won't sleep there like I planned. We'll see. Anyway. Ok. Bye.

P.S. (nooo, I can't have a P.S. I have to gooo (goo. Gah.) Too late.

Ok, quick, then.

I'm leaving the tidbits following this for your potential enjoyment, because they're my disorganization of having somehow ended up with that stuff where it is, and then there's the "side notes" which are really bottom notes, with stuff I planned/plan on writing about (and maybe some of them I've already done...)

HAHAHAHAH I NEVER GOT PAST THE ONE. THE RED ONE. The little red one at the bottom of the screen. Way at the beginning. Wow. (Or maybe I did, and just don't remember...)

Ok. BYE!

WHOAH, it's really shining now, right in my face, 'cause that's where I put myself, asking to be right in it's glow.

Typing window change

Clouds gone now

Kid walking to school

Map of my post idea


Sharing so much

Thinking of it right as I go to save the draft, and then already being on to something else by the time I get back to typing.

Embrace it while it lasts (how long will it last?)


Sun going back down.

Newspaper on the driveway now

Yeah, anyway, copy/paste, and save drafts, and sometimes copy it into a separate program entirely and save it there.... yeah, definitely really worried. I'd really hate to write a whole bunch and then lose it all. That has happened to me too many times, and it's pretty upsetting for me....

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