Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cool Night Air Does Wonders On a Bare Head

Now that I've posted last night's post, I can write one for today.
I'm using the one computer here, and the keyboard is really loud. I'm hoping that I'm not keeping anyone awake.
Anyway, being out of the hospital has been WONDERFUL.
Today was relaxed, and just nice. We worked on the puzzle for a while, and hung out. Played Settlers of Catan.

Peggy Popp, the weekend home-care nurse, came today. We went over which meds I need to take when, which ones are compatible with each other, and so forth. And she checked my vitals ('cause I missed that real bad), and we talked about how my heart rate has been going up randomly, even when I'm not really doing anything. So far, no worries, though if it gets higher than 120 bpm (which it was at earlier today), I should call.
Then she changed the stuffing in the hole in my chest. It was uncomfortable, but not unbearable. And now it's all fresh and nice.

I've met a few of the other families who are staying here. Haven't really talked to any of them a lot, but they all seem very nice.
There are about 8 little girls running around, though I'm not sure they're all together. It's sweet.

I've gotten used to throwing on my mask everytime I walk into a room with people I don't know.
Today I was sitting on a couch, trying on scarves, and this lady started giving me techniques for pinning them on without ruining the fabric (I hadn't even thought about pinning them, and I'd have been too nervous to anyway). It was really cool.

All five of us (Mom, Dad, Erek, Kate, and I) took a trip to Goodwill. I hardly fit into any of my clothes anymore, because I ended up losing a scary amount of weight during my month in the hospital.
Then, we went to the mexican restaurant again. And again, it was amazing.

At around 9:30 this evening, we decided to take a walk down the bike trail that runs along the Erie Canal, right behind the RMH.
It was SO nice. The air was cool, but not too cold, and it was really nice walking in the dark. We walked quite a ways, at a good pace. My legs were still a little stiff, especially at my ankles. I did some stretches today, though. I still don't think I can run, which is kind of scary.

Anyway, I'm really tired. This whole sleep thing is weird. I can't get to bed before 3 AM, and I can't sleep later than around 6:30. But I'm going to try (I'm too late for getting to bed before 3 this time, but I'm going to try to to do better tomorrow).
Ok, g'night.


  1. Eerie Canal! That's what that was. It's so pretty there...
    Peggy Popp is the awesomest name ever.
    And I'm a bad person because I am so jealous you lost weight. I should just give up and move to L.A. with all the other self-centered people.
    Or Miami...

  2. I miss Settlers of Catan! We always had a blast playing that game. Oh, and I miss you, too! Lol
    Although, whenever I came to visit you it will secretly be because I want to play that game again...haha just kidding. <3333!

  3. Hmm now that sinks not being able to sleep before 3 AM. I was up at 3 lastnight. I will spare you why I was up. Hope everything goes well tomorrow!

