Monday, June 8, 2009

The Clock In Here is Slightly Crooked

So, it's been a while since I wrote last.
I can't find my nifty chemo calendar, and I can't quite remember, so I'll have to generalize about the last few days.
I got "big" doses of chemo Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The Vincristine was bright yellow and probably caused the nasty mouth sores that I had over the next few days. Dexrazoxane and Doxorubicin probably also helped in making me want to do nothing but sleep and look at my sheets for two days.
So yeah. That's about what I did. Exciting, huh? But really, I did feel pretty yucky, and I probably wasn't the most lively person to visit.
Good news is that I'm not getting any more "big" stuff for a few days (someone said it wouldn't be until the 16th, but I'm pretty sure it's sooner than that).

Highlight (from before the stuff kicked in): The flute choir that I play with at the Eastman Community Music School came HERE to practice. It was absolutely amazing. On Wednesday at 5:30 PM, Sophia (our conductor/teacher), Christina, Lucy, Victor, Kerry, and Melissa came trooping up to my door. We all went over to the lounge-ish place, set up our stands, put our flutes together, and serenaded the fish (in the fish tank, yeah). It was so wonderful getting to play with them (it was our last rehearsal this semester).

Ok, so I know you've been waiting. The dinos in the IV fluid. Overall reaction: "What is THAT?!" To which I reply: "Oh, that's my dinosaur incubator." And they say: "Ohhh."
But I think it was the pharmacist who was the most confused by it.
Some people would look at it for a bit, try different angles, give it a squish, and finally ask me about it. Some poeple have suggested other things to try too, like sea monkeys, fish, and other hatchable fake critters.
Anyway, I took it down on Friday (?), because I was feeling nauseous, and every time I looked at it I would feel even more nauseous (I don't know why...). But I'm planning on trying something else soon.

During the last few days I didn't eat much. Mostly because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep it down (I only failed once!). And then someone sent some AMAZING soup (yesterday? The day before?), and I got my appetite back. And THEN the home made Chinese food came today. I hadn't eaten a full meal for days, and it was amazing.

I finally took a shower today. I (obviously) didn't feel up to it the last few days, and honestly, I didn't really care. But then I woke up at around 4 AM this morning, feeling blechy and dirty and gross, and almost took a shower right then. But showers are complicated when there's a mass of bandage on your chest that you're not supposed to get wet. So I didn't actually take one until late this afternoon. I feel human again.

I've been wearing these bands that go around my wrists, called "Sea Bands", to help with nausea. And I think they really work (sooo many people have said they do, too). Or maybe I'm just done being nauseous for now.

Today one of the "incisions" they made to put my port-thingy in kind of exploded. Ok, it didn't really explode, it just opened up and bled a lot. Didn't hurt much, luckily. Some different people came in to look at it (doctors, a surgeon, nurses), and then one of them put another liquid bandage over it (so cool. It's roll-on, feels kind of like glue, and dries clear). I think it might have happened because I tried to shoot hoops with the basketball yesterday. Right. Guess I'll have to let it heal a bit more before trying again.

Bronwyn is flying in from Illinois tomorrow. I'm SUPER excited. I haven't seen her for so long, and I'm honored that she's making a special trip out to spend hours in a hospital with me.

Is it ok that I write mostly when I feel good? That might make it seem like I always feel good here. It's just that when I don't feel good, I generally don't feel like writing.
Also, I find it a little crazy that I haven't mentioned a word about this in my paper journal. I haven't written at all in there since I got here. And I've been consistently journaling for years. I feel like these posts are doing the same for me, even more maybe, than pens would. Which is completely different from what I would have said two weeks ago. I guess I really need people to read it, and once I've written it once I can't do it again.

Feeling a little dizzy and stomach-achy, so I think I'll go try to sleep it off. G'night.


  1. I am definitely relieved to hear your updates. I imagine you've thought up tons of different objects to put in the IV fluid, but if it ever goes back up, you should try to find some music notes to go in there.

    I'm thinking of you, girl! Let me know if you want some oboe playing up in that room of yours. I can play a pretty righteous Mary had a little Lamb :)

  2. Also, I just finished reading all of your posts from this year. You're quite the writer. Your use of phrasing is very poetic. I like it. Have you written anything big like a novel? You should think about it definitely. I'm fairly sure it would sell a lot on the account of your craftmanship. And on the plus side, think of all the flute "stuff" you could buy with your earnings!!!!

    Ginny, again

  3. I'm sorry to hear that you have been feeling sick. Is there any food craving you have? We can make sure you get it! What's a good time to visit now that you're a little less yucky feeling?

    I love the dino IV prank and am so glad you got to rehearse. You are LOVED!


  4. Well, I'm glad to hear that you got your appetite back! By any chance does this mean you feel like eating chocolate? lol Holly makes these awesome chocolate cookies. Thats really awesome how they came to play with you. Yes, what would be a good time to visit? ((Little inquiring minds would like to know. ))Everyone here hopes your feeling better!!!!!
    Lots of over the computer Hugs!!!!!
