Well. This is my last night in the hospital. That's a really scary thought. Today was around my 30th day here.
I took down all of the posters and cards from the walls this evening, since I'm leaving in the morning. It was definitely sad. I've been living here for the last month, and I didn't really mind it all that much. I tried to make it my own space, and in doing so, I became a little attached to it.
Not that I MIND getting out, it's just... strange.
Yesterday morning I got my port taken out. They rolled me, on my bed, over to the PICU, which is where they do stuff like bone marrow biopsies and spinal taps. And also remove ports. The surgeon who put it in was the one who removed it. They gave me the same white sedative that they used for the spinal taps. But first they gave me a little bit of clear stuff, and it made me feel really strange. For about 5 minutes, while they got stuff ready, I sat there feeling kind of loopy, almost like I was floating. Then they gave me the white stuff.
I woke up portless, with two IVs in my left arm. I had a huge wad of fluffy gauze stuck to my chest, with a clear bandage over it.
I was free of Winnifred after while, so Erek and I went and explored some more of the hospital. We were trying to find the tunnel again, so that I could show it to him, and also so we could take pictures. But we never found it.
We power walked through the halls, and outside.
It's weird, I'm having a really hard time remembering what else I did yesterday.
Rosie, the music therapist, came in the afternoon, and we did some really cool relaxation stuff.
Later, Tom and Hope came and played fiddle and guitar in my room. It was one of the most wonderful things that has happened while I've been here. I felt so alive as they played.
The decision making process for what to do about this port business has been very interesting. I'm going to try to get it as accurate as I can, but I can't promise. There was a LOT of information given.
Dr. Salloum, the surgeon, was very set on the idea of putting a Broviak in next week.
But yesterday we talked with Dr. Mullen, the oncologist who diagnosed me in the first place, and he had another option. He thought that we could use regular IVs for the next week, waiting until a good time to put in another port on the other side.
Today we had a conference with Dr. Bruckner, my main oncologist. She hadn't talked face-to-face with Dr. Salloum yet, and so she couldn't understand why he was so against putting in another port. Apparently, he REALLY didn't want to, he thought that it wouldn't work again. She said she'd try to talk to him today. She wants to go ahead and use IVs next week, postpone chemo for a week so the port-removal site can heal, and so the new port can sit and heal for a week before use.
So I'm actually planning on being out of the hospital for 10-ish days, instead of 3, before I come in for the 5 day intensive chemo.
Then we all asked a lot of questions of Dr. Bruckner, mostly about being an out-patient. I asked about what kind of places I should stay away from (sickness, basically. I have to try not to get the flu. I probably will have to wear a mask when I'm around lots of people). And if I could get a henna tattoo on my head (Kate is coming this weekend, and she's bringing henna!). Answer is yes!
Today, the hole where my port was was re-stuffed. A wound care lady came, and put this felt stuff with silver (silver!) in it into the hole. I won't give details, lets just say it was, and is, very strange looking. Not pleasant at all. I think it will only have to be re-stuffed a few times a week. Ugh, though.
The Zendarskis came to visit, and so did the Waymans. I gave a little tour of this floor, and we all hung out on the playdeck for a bit, playing air hockey and sitting outside. 'Twas fun.
I've been hugging and saying goodbye to all of the nurses I've had since I've been here. I love them so much! Every single one is so sweet, and I'm going to miss them. But I'll be back, and I can visit anyway, when I come in for clinic.
I stocked up on Mickey Mouse masks, when Cheryl came in to say goodbye. She suggested using them as slingshots. :D
Anyway, Erek is staying here. We packed up most of my room this evening, and now we're watching movies and eating soup. Why sleep during my last night in the hospital? :P
Hey, it twas nice to catch up a bit with you yesterday!. :D Enjoy all the soup & burritos!!!!!!
I am sending a note which was written before I saw this, so ignore all the references to you being in the hospital (I should really look into getting a live wireless feed installed in my head. Or getting an Iphone).